Sunday, April 7, 2013

1 Month Old

Dear Elijah,

Today you are 1 month old!  I can't believe how fast the time is flying!  I was getting a little lot impatient towards the end of the pregnancy and it seemed to just drag by, but now that you're here I wish the time would go a little slower!

You are the most wonderful baby!  You are content most of the time (other than when you're hungry, sleepy, or gassy, of course) and you are a GREAT sleeper!  You are already sleeping in 4-5 hour stretches at night, which makes mama and daddy very happy!  You're constantly making us laugh at all your silly faces, and boy do you have a lot of them.  You just love to stare at our faces and figure us out.  You are such a joy!

At your 3 week appointment you weighed 10 lbs 7 oz and were as healthy as can be.  You were in the 85th percentile for weight and 100th percentile for height- our BIG boy!  You're eating every 3-4 hours and loving every minute of it.  You sure enjoy your milk!

Here are some of your favorite things:
-Sleeping on daddy's chest
-Being in your swing
-Listening to mama's voice
-Riding in the car
-Looking at the curtains in our living room
-Talking to your animal friends (above your swing and your play mat)
-Being held, kissed, and snuggled
-Breaking out of your swaddle

You make us SO happy, my son.  I can hardly believe your ours!  We feel beyond lucky to be your parents.  We love you so, so, so much!  Happy 1 month birthday, Elijah James!

Your mama

Dear Elijah,

Happy 1 month birthday, buddy! I absolutely cannot believe how quickly the time has gone. It has been one of the most amazing months ever! You are just so much fun to hang out with. As I'm sitting here typing this, Mom is singing songs to you and you are enjoying it--singing songs with you has become one of our favorite things to do!

Everybody always says how cute you are, how impressed they are with your bigness (they also are impressed with Mommy on that note, as well!), and how they wish they could hold you all the time! And it's not surprising because, Elijah boy, you are already such a cool dude! We love you so much and we can't wait to see what the next months and years bring. We are so excited to be here as you get bigger. You are awesome!


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