Thursday, February 4, 2010

Loving Exhaustion...

My weeks are extremely exhausting. By the time Thursday rolls around, I feel like there is no way I will make it to Friday night. Between working from 8:30-4:00 Monday-Friday, going to class three nights a week, being a wife, homework, and having somewhat of a social life, I feel like there is not an ounce of energy left in my body.

That being said, I would not change a single thing about my life! I am so thankful for the life I have right now. When I decided to trust God with my entire life years ago I had no idea that would mean temporarily moving to California for a summer, meeting Jason, falling in love, moving to California permanently, transferring schools, getting married at 21, and so on. God has lead me to places I never imagined, places that were far better than I could have ever dreamed!

God has been so faithful to me, especially over the past few years. He brought the most amazing man into my life who I can now call my husband. He lead me to the perfect job for the time being. (I am fortunate enough to nanny two precious girls 5 days a week. They are wonderful and I truly look forward to everyday at "work".) He has also brought so much peace to my heart about so many things, my Dad's death, not knowing what the future holds, school that seems to be never ending, etc. I love my life and am so excited to see where the Lord leads us over the next several years. Ok, thanks for listening. And by listening, I mean reading. :-)


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