Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Dear Baby: 8 Weeks

Hello Baby!

How has another week flown by?  We are 8 weeks pregnant today and I am just loving every bit of this pregnancy with you.  Sure I've had my share of pure exhaustion and nausea but it is so totally, completely worth it.  When I start to feel sick or tired I just think of the day I get to hold you in my arms and it makes every thing better.  Did you know that you make me VERY happy, baby?  Well, you do!

You are the size of a raspberry this week and are still growing incredibly fast, we're still so proud of you.  You're cute little fingers and toes are growing this week (they are still webbed but you should grow out of that). :-)

I have my first official prenatal appointment tomorrow at the hospital where we will first meet in March.  The appointment will be pretty boring, just blood work and paperwork, but I'm so excited because it means we are one step closer to having you!  We just can't wait till March.

Stay safe in there baby!  I'm doing all I can to keep you safe out here.

Your Mama

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