Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Dear Baby: 9 Weeks

Hi little one,

9 weeks??  Wow!  Time sure is flying by, my love!  How are doing in there?  You sure are doing a lot of growing in there.  This week you are the size of a grape and boy do we love grapes in tho house.  Your mommy and daddy could both eat grapes every single day!  I bet you'll love them too.  You're about an inch long and you're tail disappeared this week.  One of our favorite things to do these days is read about your development.  You are just amazing to us and such a gift from God!

We are crazy in love with you, baby, and can't wait to meet you.  We've been telling close friends over the last few days and that has been really fun.  You already have so many people that love you.  What a lucky baby you are.

We get to see you again on August 17 and plan to tell the world after that appointment.  We can't wait!!!  We love you more and more every day, sweet baby.

Keep on growing,
Your Mama

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