Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Dear Baby: 21 Weeks

Dear Baby Boy,

It's finally starting to feel like fall around here and is actually pretty chilly outside.  I hope you're staying warm and snuggly in there.  I couldn't help but lay in bed this morning and daydream about cuddling you on cold mornings.  Who am I kidding though, I can't wait to cuddle you on ANY morning.

Remember that little scare I was telling you about last week?  Well, everything seems to be fine, praise God!  We got to spend about an hour looking at every little inch of your body and you look so wonderfully perfect!  The doctor told us that you're measuring a little more than a week ahead.  Are you gonna be a chunky baby??  We can't wait to find out.

We've started discussing how we want to decorate your nursery more seriously this week and hope to buy the crib soon.  I think you're gonna really like our house.  It's small but so perfect for our little family.  We are really excited to show you around when you get here.  It's all becoming so real sweetie, we can't WAIT to meet you.

You bring out the best in me, my sweet boy.  I am just so proud to be your mama and for you to be my little man.  Stay safe and warm, baby!

Your Mama

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