I finally finished the fabric headboard for the guest bedroom I was making and I couldn't be any happier about it! I was planning on doing a natural color that would match any bedding (in case I bought a new set someday) but I found a discount orange fabric that matched SO perfectly I just couldn't pass it up. It looks great in the room! Some dear friend of ours gave us an old rocking chair that we put in the room and it goes great too. It's actually red, which I wouldn't normally put with orange, but it actually looks good together!
What do you think of the new headboard?

I've also been in the process of re-organizing our closest and the guest closest. It's super nerdy, but I actually love organizing things! I love making our new home OUR home. Does that make sense? We take pride in where we live so I want to make it feel like ours.
Have a wonderful weekend!
I love it so much!!!