So, I think we finally figured out Charlie's breed. We've been left in the dark since we adopted him because the shelter had no idea who was his puppy daddy. Yesterday we took Charlie to puppy obedience class (which was MUCH needed, mind you) and our trainer took a stab at what breed Charlie might be; Italian Greyhound. We weren't completely surprised by this because his body looks like a Greyhound, especially when he runs. He's unbelievably fast and nimble and so we thought Greyhound could be a possibility. Last night we decided to look up pictures of Italian Greyhound puppies and OH MY, it's Charlie. Seriously. We were cracking up at the similarities, especially the big, floppy ears and long legs. Knowing who his dad (most likely) was really helps us know how big he will get. Here are a few to compare Charlie.
Here's Charlie:

Here's Charlie's kin:

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